Why preschool is IMPORTANT?
Choosing a kindergarten is a very important moment for parents. Why this decision is so important ?
How kindergarten affects to child personal development?
The period in the child's life, when he is 3-6 years old, is an extremely important time period that will have a huge impact on his entire later life. The child then easily assimilates knowledge, materials and learns behavior, which is why it is so important to consciously choose the content that reaches the child and the environment in which the child stays.
A wisely and consciously selected kindergarten will be a key step in supporting the optimal development of the child and revealing its full potential. A good educator will notice the natural predispositions of the child and will support the optimal development of the preschooler.
A wisely and consciously selected kindergarten will be a key step in supporting the optimal development of the child and revealing its full potential. A good educator will notice the natural predispositions of the child and will support the optimal development of the preschooler.

Why preschool is IMPORTANT?
Choosing a kindergarten is a very important moment for parents. Why this decision is so important ?
How kindergarten affects to child personal development?
The period in the child's life, when he is 3-6 years old, is an extremely important time period that will have a huge impact on his entire later life. The child then easily assimilates knowledge, materials and learns behavior, which is why it is so important to consciously choose the content that reaches the child and the environment in which the child stays.
A wisely and consciously selected kindergarten will be a key step in supporting the optimal development of the child and revealing its full potential. A good educator will notice the natural predispositions of the child and will support the optimal development of the preschooler.
A wisely and consciously selected kindergarten will be a key step in supporting the optimal development of the child and revealing its full potential. A good educator will notice the natural predispositions of the child and will support the optimal development of the preschooler.

Dzieci w naszym przedszkolu dostają niezwykle szeroki wachlarz możliwości poznawania świata. Na zdjęciu Warsztaty Podróżnicze.
Why us?
A few words about us and what inspires us to act
We base our work on the principles and methods of Montessori pedagogy. The child is at the center of the educational and educational process. The Kindergarten supports children in harmonious and coherent emotional, intellectual, physical and social development.
Cooperating with the parents we strive to develop the child's individual character traits and abilities and help them achieve their goals on their own.
We do the requirements of the Minister of National Education related to the implementation of the core curriculum for preschool education. The principles and working methods of Montessori pedagogy are used to implement the upbringing and teaching program. Montessori development material in the kindergarten is adapted to the core curriculum and development possibilities of children which prepares children very well for school education and comprehensively develop their skills and abilities.
Why us?
A few words about us and what inspires us to act
We base our work on the principles and methods of Montessori pedagogy. The child is at the center of the educational and educational process. The Kindergarten supports children in harmonious and coherent emotional, intellectual, physical and social development.
Cooperating with the parents we strive to develop the child's individual character traits and abilities and help them achieve their goals on their own.
We do the requirements of the Minister of National Education related to the implementation of the core curriculum for preschool education. The principles and working methods of Montessori pedagogy are used to implement the upbringing and teaching program. Montessori development material in the kindergarten is adapted to the core curriculum and development possibilities of children which prepares children very well for school education and comprehensively develop their skills and abilities.

Dzieci w naszym przedszkolu dostają niezwykle szeroki wachlarz możliwości poznawania świata. Na zdjęciu Warsztaty Podróżnicze.
Na całym świecie są setki placówek edukacyjnych, które czerpią z mądrości i odkryć Marii Montessori
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) Italian doctor and creator of the Montessori method.
Appreciation and recognition method of upbringing and teaching healthy children and children with developmental deficits based on a very good knowledge of the child's development. Maria Montessori's pedagogy supports the spontaneous and creative development of the pupils' activities.
Child development thanks to Montessori pedagogy, takes place at every level: physical, spiritual, cultural and social. Children's spontaneous and creative activity is also supported.
Montessori pedagogy supports the shaping of individual personality traits and the formation of the correct character, acquiring knowledge, school abilities and willingness to cooperate.
Children especially those under the age of 6, have an innate path of psychological development. Maria Montessori based on her own experienceon she believed that children who have a choice and can be spontaneous will strive for optimal development.
Every person has certain innate tendencies, i.e. abstraction, activity, communication, precision, innovation, manipulation of the environment, rule, cleverness, repetition, self-improvement, work (or deliberate activity). The selection of an appropriate method of teaching enables a more effective development of the child at a very early age which prepares him for adult life.

Na całym świecie są setki placówek edukacyjnych, które czerpią z mądrości i odkryć Marii Montessori
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) Italian doctor and creator of the Montessori method.
Appreciation and recognition method of upbringing and teaching healthy children and children with developmental deficits based on a very good knowledge of the child's development. Maria Montessori's pedagogy supports the spontaneous and creative development of the pupils' activities.
Child development thanks to Montessori pedagogy, takes place at every level: physical, spiritual, cultural and social. Children's spontaneous and creative activity is also supported.
Montessori pedagogy supports the shaping of individual personality traits and the formation of the correct character, acquiring knowledge, school abilities and willingness to cooperate.
Children especially those under the age of 6, have an innate path of psychological development. Maria Montessori based on her own experienceon she believed that children who have a choice and can be spontaneous will strive for optimal development.
Every person has certain innate tendencies, i.e. abstraction, activity, communication, precision, innovation, manipulation of the environment, rule, cleverness, repetition, self-improvement, work (or deliberate activity). The selection of an appropriate method of teaching enables a more effective development of the child at a very early age which prepares him for adult life.


Teachers at Avalon Kindergarten Montessori in Krakow have pedagogical preparation for work with preschool children and preparation
in the field of Montessori pedagogy. In each group of children an experienced team of specialists collaborates: speech therapist, psychologist, oligophrenopedagogue, early school and pre-school education teachers. Thanks to the education they have acquired in various fields, they know the course of the child's development very well.
They are people commitment with passion, creative, open to development and broadening their knowledge. The kindergarten pays great attention to the stability of its staff.
We accept children from 2.5 to 6 years old. The groups are mixed in age the number of girls and boys in each group is similar, the number of children in each age group is balanced.
The core curriculum of the Ministry of National Education
The curriculum includes the core curriculum of the Ministry of National Education. In the kindergarten, we comprehensively prepare children for their school duties (class "zero").
Activities after kindergarten
Oferujemy bogatą ofertę zajęć dodatkowych, które odbywają się na miejscu i w godzinach pracy przedszkola min. taniec towarzyski z elementami tańca nowoczesnego, pianino, robotyka, ceramika, judo i inne.

Every day we go outside with the children. We use our own garden, we go outside the kindergarten for walks in the nearby, picturesque area. We go on organized trips several times a year.
Food for children is prepared by the "Karmnik" company. It is healthy, homemade food. Children are happy to participate in meals. All diets are respected.
The kindergarten building is located in the green district of Krakow - in Dębniki and Pychowice. Neighborhood is areas covered by the Natura 2000 Program. A few minutes walk separates us from Zakrzówek, Górka Pychowicka, Vistula Boulevards and various meadows and forests.
Contact us
ul. Sodowa 42
30-376 Kraków
Directorate and administration
600 352 703
The Amber and Emerald Group
538 295 600
Ruby and Sapphire Group
735 080 407
Monday - Friday 7:30-17:30