Meet the team of our SPECIALISTS

Early school and pre-school education teacher, certified Montessori teacher Polish Montessori Institute, speech therapist, oligophrenopedagogue.
After graduating from high school, she began studying Polish Philology at the University of Szczecin. At the end of studies, there was a desire to work with children. Speech therapy with pedagogical therapy was the beginning. After moving to Poznań, she started working in a nursery and completed a course in childcare. However, in order to be able to work with older children, she began studies in preschool and early childhood education. The time has come for Krakow and gaining experience in preschool institutions. She focused on all courses, self-education. Then a meeting with Montessori pedagogy a Montessori teacher's course at the Polish Montessori Institute and the related new and richer perspective on preschool education.
"I can't imagine working in a kindergarten without music, movement and art. I love working with the method of active listening to music by Batti Strauss. In the near future my dream is to meet Marta Bogdanowicz and work with the Good Start Method.
After work - Netflix fan. Bike, jogging or fitness at any time. I love common literature, scrapbooking and Asian cuisine. "

Wenjuan XI
Montessori teacher of the American Montessori Society.
Wen comes from China, received her education in Beijing, practiced in California, and eventually settled in Poland for private reasons.
He has many years of experience in working with preschool children, including as a teacher at the prestigious The International Montessori school of Beijing in Beijing. She also gained practice in working with adults - she conducted courses courses in both English (business) and Chinese. She is at the stage of learning Polish, in her free time she practices yoga, plays the Guzheng instrument and dances salsa. Guzheng i tańczy salsę.

Montessorian teacher. Main teacher in the sapphire group.
Highly qualified and experienced educator with over 8 years of work experience, passionate about Maria Montessori's pedagogy. Ms Patrycja graduated from pedagogical studies - upbringing a small child, special education and surdopedagogy at the Pedagogical University of KEN in Krakow and pre-school and early school education at the University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.
During her professional career she was a group teacher at a renowned Montessorian kindergarten, she conducted trainings for parents and co-organized special education for many children. In addition to knowledge of English and German, she can boast of knowledge of sign language.
He owes his specialist knowledge to education, practice and participation in numerous courses, webinars and industry conferences related to M. Montessori pedagogy and child development.
Privately a lover of folk dances and an enthusiast of mountain trips.

Angelika ŻUBER
Qualified and experienced teacher of preschool and early childhood education and an oligophrenopedagogue.
Ms. Angelika is a graduate of the Pedagogical University of KEN in Krakow
with professional experience in both Montessori kindergarten and school. She holds the international certificate of the Montessori teacher MACTE
and acquired qualifications in the field of this pedagogy at the Polish Montessori Institute. In addition, he has many additional qualifications resulting from completed training for exampleEffective Teacher Training, A practical course in alternative and augmentative communication methods (AAC). He updates his knowledge at annual industry conferences.
Fascynują ją podróże i sport.

Katarzyna SZTUK
Pani Katarzyna ukończyła dwustopniowe studia na Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w pracy z dziećmi w szkołach i przedszkolach w charakterze wychowawcy kolonii, instruktora sportowego i tańca.
Kilka słów od niej samej:
„Jestem absolwentką akademii wychowania fizycznego w Krakowie. Od zawsze lubiłam pracę z dziećmi a podczas studiów dzięki współpracy z wieloma szkołami oraz przedszkolami, zdobyłam cenne doświadczenie w pracy z dziećmi. W czasie letnim wyjeżdżałam na półkolonie oraz kolonie szkolne. Dodatkowo pracowałam w przedszkolach jako instruktor tańca. Moje główne zainteresowania to sport, a w szczególności piłka siatkowa, sporty wodne oraz taniec towarzyski. Posiadam również uprawnienia instruktora kajakarstwa oraz Aqua aerobiku. Praca z dziećmi sprawia mi dużą satysfakcję oraz przyjemność. W przyszłości chciałabym pogłębiać swoje kwalifikacje związane z pedagogiką wczesnoszkolną.”

Pani Anna jest absolwentką Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego i Akademii Ignatianum oraz ma 10-letnie doświadczenie w pracy z Dziećmi w przedszkolach montessoriańskich. Jest również for example. nauczycielem języka Polskiego jako języka obcego, trenerem w Szkole dla Rodziców i trenerem metody Marii Montessori.

Ms. Monika completed a course in a nursery tutor and tutor. Last year, she completed the Dance Guide, a course that presents an approach to creative dance education in line with the M. Montessori method. He also has a mediator certificate. Privately, he loves long walks with his dog Toffik, dancing and active sports. In the past, she danced in the marching band "majorettes". After a 6-year adventure with dance, she founded a female football team, which has been very successful to this day and climbs at the levels of the 3rd league of Małopolska. She loves cycling, rollerblading, skating, running, swimming and traveling.


Asystent nauczyciela przedszkola, lektor j.angielskiego
Studentka psychologii praktycznej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim oraz lektor języka angielskiego z doświadczeniem w nauczaniu dzieci. Odbyła trening psychologiczny, brała udział w warsztatach skutecznej komunikacji interpersonalnej, udzielała się w ramach projektu Akademia Przyszłości.
Kocha muzykę i taniec, często wplata je więc w prowadzone przeze mnie lekcje angielskiego, aby chwile te były dla dzieci czasem na rozwój i jednocześnie dobrą zabawą. Pragnie dla podopiecznych być nie tylko nauczycielem, lecz również bezpieczną przestrzenią na wyrażanie emocji i naukę lepszego radzenia sobie z nimi. Prywatnie miłośniczka zwierząt, roślin i długich spacerów. Wieczór lubi spędzić z tomikiem poezji i filiżanką dobrej herbaty.

Magdalena ŻUBER
Magdalena is finishing her studies in Applied Psychology at the Jagiellonian University. She has completed two psychological trainings and a workshop related to good psychological and interpersonal communication. In the past, she was a volunteer at the Center of Care and Educational Institutions "Parkowa", where she gained experience in providing emotional support to children in a difficult family situation. Currently, she is an active volunteer in an aid center for adult people in crisis. Privately, he is interested in traveling and computer games.

Małgorzata KŁOBUCH
Asystent nauczyciela przedszkola. Posiada również kwalifikacje do pracy jako opiekun w żłobku. Ukończyła zewnętrzny kurs pracy w przedszkolu metodą M.Montessori.


Paulina POGAN
Speech therapist
Ms Paulina is a graduate of the Pedagogical University, the Jagiellonian University and the Ignatianum Academy, she is a Polish teacher, a kindergarten teacher experienced in working with a group, a Montessorian teacher, but above all an active speech therapist working in kindergartens, schools and clinics for many years. Selected courses and trainings (out of about 50 completed): simultaneous-sequential learning to read, physiological multifunctional therapy, language programming, verbogesting, mutism, speech impairment diagnosis, hand and foot therapy, speech therapy massage, diagnosis and language therapy of a child with autism. He is constantly expanding his workshop and knowledge by participating in numerous trainings and courses, which are an extraordinary mine of knowledge and inspiration for further speech therapy activities. The aim of her therapies is to stimulate the child's speech development, build active and passive vocabulary, improve the motor skills of speech organs, improve language functions, correct speech impediments. It also teaches children to read using the syllable method, which allows them to start at school better. The most important thing for her is a holistic and individual approach to the patient - all cognitive functions should be stimulated and supported so that the child's development is harmonious. The priority is to make the Little Patient feel comfortable in the office, which is why all the exercises are fun.

Kindergarten's headmaster